Monday, February 7, 2011

Life in the Te-jas apartment

I have recently moved into my first real adult apartment.
Of course by 'Real adult' I actually mean "apartment in general where I live with two other young twenty somethings who think we're adults even though we're not"
We do multiple adult things like watch the entire first season of skins in one day, eat rice out of bowls on the floor, spend money we don't have on beer, and recycle.
(But mostly the rice thing, as we recently bought a twenty pound bag of rice at Sam's club and have been spending the last three weeks coming up with every rice recipe we can.)

We eat dinner together every night because we hear families who do that are better off.

Our apartment is small and our neighbors are loud and we have no money for food, I sleep on a futon for now until my bed gets here, except for the nights I sleep in Roomie Js bed so that her and I can snuggle, and somedays we walk around wrapped in blankets over our pajamas all morning to stay warm.

And honestly I believe that is how twenty somethings are supposed to live. To get the experience of being young, and being ridiculous, and living in your first apartment.

And I rejoice in that fact.

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