Sunday, May 22, 2011


There are two things in life I really enjoy:
1) Crafting
2) and not wearing pants.

I found a really easy dress tutorial online recently that looked like even I could do, so tonight when I was bored I decided to try it out while watching Ryan Gosling movies. That's right, I live it up on Saturday night.
I don't actually have a sewing machine so I did the whole thing by hand which may be questionable. We shall see.

I bought the fabric for 5 dollars at wal mart and just had the a-frame already 


Friday, May 20, 2011

When I marry my future husband Roland the big time buisness lawyer I'm going to live in a fancy house in highland park.
Only not, because my life plans do not include Texas forever.
And Roland and I have yet to meet and Roland may or may not not be real.
But seriously those houses are 'out of control' as they say.
Some people in Dallas are unhealthy rich.
I am not unhealthy rich. But sometimes I pretend I am.
Like today I bought a strawberry at Godiva.
Fancy shmancy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In the bedroom

I moved into my apartment way back in January, but it's taken until roughly about right now to finish decorating it. And this weekend, magically, I finished my room.
It's not fancy.
but all I can say is
Ikea is your friend.
And not just because they sell baller cinnamon buns there.

A friend of mine was going to burn this couch but ended up giving it to me instead, which I appreciated because really, wouldn't you rather dramatically burn a couch if given the chance?

The fan is from Castel GandolfoItaly where the Pope has his summer residence. The paper cuts I did over Chirstmas

We bought athousand tea lights at Ikea so I've been trying to utilize them, lit by matches from my favourite bar The Grapvine in Dallas.

Far Wall

And a picture of my living room
Just because I like it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

For my birthday two weeks ago my older sister  sent me this cake topper that she made of me and my two roommates (I'm the one in the center)

She makes pretty snazzy wedding cake toppers too. We did not put this one on a cake, but instead we keep it on our counter for people to look at and comment on how fancy we are to have a cake topper that looks like us.

M, the male roommate, moves out today for the summer to go have an internship some where that is not here. It is a sad sad day and we marked it by one last trip to taco bell together, as obviously I ooze class
He'll be back in 2 and a half months but I chose the over dramatic approach and am pretending it's forever.

 However, in his absence we're subletting his room to a great girl who brought her gnome collection with her when she came, so I support that.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


     Freshman year of college I was required to take a theology class called 'Understanding the Bible' in which we only had one book; The Catholic study Bible. This greatly confused me because obviously, as Catholics, we don't read the Bible, so a Catholic study Bible is a bit of an oximoron. (I was also confused because my University is Catholic affiliated and I didn't quite get how they didn't remember that we don't read the Bible. I may or may not have asked my Theology professor this, but he didn't really know what to make of me, nor could he figure out if I was kidding or not.)
 My sister Ellen once famously quoted 'It's not good for man to be alone' as being from Frankenstien and it's a known fact that the majority of my Bible knowledge is from the gospel of Matthew stemming from a production of Godspell I performed in senior year of high school. And most likely everyone in my family will follow in the footsteps of my older sister who chose the wedding of Canna as a reading for her wedding mass, because, let's be honest, it does have the word 'wedding' in the title.

I've kind of wondered for a bit though, why is it that every other christian denomination loves the Bible so much and we just don't read it? Why don't I have Bible quotes about family on the wall of my house or win arguments by pulling out Bible verses?

Ultimately in the end I got a B in understanding the Bible.
I could have gotten an A
But I didn't really do the assigned reading.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

part one

"Once you reach a certain age you go from being 'Third wheel' to 'Family friend'. You're not just like that person that hangs out with them, you're that single friend they invite to dinner parties and hang out with their kids"

"Why would I marry her?"
"You guys have a great relationship!"
"I know, so why would I ruin that with marriage?"

"You're a lesbian aren't you? That's why you pretend to be obsessed with Tim's beard. Tim's beard is your beard"